7 od 7 stavki
VGA Kabel DB 15M/M 3 met, ferit M/M, 3.0m, 3Coax/7C, 2xferrite, bl
Item No.: AK-310103-030-S
AK-310103-050-S KABEL VGA/VGA , 5 met M/M, 5.0m, 3Coax/7C, 2xferrite, bl
Item No.: AK-310103-050-S
VGA Monitor connection cable, HD15 M/M, 1.8m, 3Coax/7C, 2xferrite,
Item No.: AK-310103-018-E
VGA KABEL HD 15/15 M/M 1,8 met sivi M/M, 1.8m, 3CF, be
Item No.: AK-310100-018-E
VGA Monitor connection cable, HD15 M/M, 3.0m, 3Coax/7C, 2xferrite,
Item No.: AK-310103-030-E
VGA Monitor connection cable, HD15 M/M, 5.0m, 3Coax/7C, 2xferrite,
Item No.: AK-310103-050-E
VGA KABEL HD 15/15 M/M 10 met ferit sivi M/M, 10.0m, 3Coax/7C, 2xferrite, be
Item No.: AK-310103-100-E