Technology for a digital future

Actively promote digitalization with innovative products for IT infrastructure, data network technology and computer accessories from DIGITUS®

From lecture theaters and classrooms to homeschooling: digital technology is increasingly making its way into education. To make digital learning possible, an intelligent infrastructure with future-oriented data network technology as well as practical accessories for the periphery are needed. With the system solution from DIGITUS®, you create the ideal basis for the digital training environment.



Households without internet access

*in the EU according to eurostat

Better learning in digital schools?

Digitalization offers a great opportunity for sustainable and successful learning, say …

Information on the Digital Education Action Plan
of the European Commission

The Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) enthält die Zukunftsvorstellungen der Europäischen Kommission für eine hochwertige, inklusive und zugängliche digitale Bildung in Europa.

It is a call for greater cooperation at European level to:
  • learn from the COVID-19 crisis, where technology is playing an unprecedented role in education and training, and
  • adapt our general and vocational training systems to the digital age.
The first step is to promote the development of a powerful digital education ecosystem, which requires:

  • Infrastructure, connectivity and digital equipment.
  • Effective planning and development of digital capacity, including the appropriate organizational skills
  • Teachers and staff in the area of general education and vocational training with expert digital skills
  • High-quality learning content, user-friendly tools and secure platforms that respect privacy and ethical standards

Discover our products in the interactive classroom

We offer the right solution for every situation

Everyone is pursuing the same goal, yet education stakeholders face different challenges in implementing their digitalization strategy. With a future-proof IT infrastructure from DIGITUS®, you can put your plans on a stable footing and round off the collaborative digital work with practical computer accessories.

To the solution

Solutions for teachers and lecturers

With equipment from DIGITUS®, you are optimally prepared. From headset, ergonomic wireless mouse, webcam, practical docking stations and useful connection and adapter cables, everything is included. DIGITUS® products are not only suitable for interactive digital teaching, but also ideal for homeschooling.

To the solutions

Digital schooling still expandable

The biggest problems with homeschooling during the corona pandemic 2020

Digital schooling statistics

Basis: 155 respondents whose school-aged childrenhave participated in digital instruction
Kantar, Intiative D21, TU Munich;

Solutions for the work and learning place

The right cable, port and devices for every situation - whether in the digital classroom or for teaching from home.

Solutions for IT managers

From cable to switch to end device: Discover the system solution from DIGITUS® to build future-proof networks or expand them flexibly.

DIGITUS® Network Set 254 mm (10")

The 254 mm (10") network set from DIGITUS® is the ideal all-round solution for building up a compact network, for example at home or in small offices. Perfectly coordinated DIGITUS® components guarantee full usability with structured IT cabling.

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Solutions for structured building cabling

Install a future-proof infrastructure with these cabling systems for the use of digital technologies in teaching and learning.

CAT 6 & CAT 7 - modular copper connection solution

The use of shielded components of category 6A (class EA) is the current and widespread state of the art in the field of LAN building cabling.

Cabling section - comparison of transmission frequency

The advantages of combining CAT 6A and CAT 7A

cabling section

operating frequency

plug compatibility

Structured cabling (horizontal cabling) is described in detail in the following standards:

Categories and classes of structured cabling:

Further solutions for upgrading schools